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Each year matches are played against Northumberland, Lancashire and Yorkshire.  The County chooses a team of 8 girls, and they have a match play competition against each of the Counties which is played off handicap.  The matches against each County are played at home one year and away the following year. 


There is also a Northern Counties Jamboree which is played over two days against the other 5 northern counties - Cheshire, Cumbria, Lancashire, Northumberland and Yorkshire. Competitors in the Jamboree have to have a handicap of 15 or over. It is a great experience for the younger girls as it involves an overnight stay.



Selection for these competitions will be made by the Junior Selection Committee from the Durham junior golfers who are taking part in the full DCLGA junior programme. The committee will take the following into consideration when selecting girls to play.


  • Each girl’s behaviour and attitude to improving their golfing experiences.

  • Improvement overall and general attitude shown at DCLGA Junior Coaching Sessions and at DCLGA Junior competitions

  • Handicap level.

  • The DCLGA awareness of the physical characteristics of the golf course the competition will be played at and the experience of the players to adjust to this (i.e. Durham courses like other counties courses are very different). The committee will take into consideration the terrain of the golf course that is to be played and how this compares with each Durham golfer’s home course. This is particularly relevant when several girls are on a similar handicap category.


Match Dates 2025

10th May                    Match v Yorkshire                    Teesside Golf Club

5th/6th August          Junior Jamboree (h/cap 15-40)   Gosforth Golf Club

18th August               Match v Lancashire                  Barnard Castle Golf Club

30th August               Match v Northumberland       Bedlingtonshire Golf Club

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