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2023 CMW Report - Eden GC, Carlisle

Updated: Jun 25, 2023

Back row - Faye Wheatley, Stacie Morton, Emily Baxter, Lucy Ashworth, Brittany Hill, Amy Sutheran.

Front row - Millie Hixon, Di Elsy (President), Sue Wright (Captain), Jess Hall (Champion), Morgan Bailey.

Durham's first match on Monday morning against Northumberland set the pace for the days ahead. In glorious weather, on an extremely firm course, players were focused but fair posting a well deserved result of 2.5 - 2.5.

Afternoon opponents Cheshire, proved to be challenging as expected, especially in the foursomes, however Durham fought hard in the singles ultimately losing 4 - 1.

Tuesday morning's match against Lancashire certainly lifted the spirits with the foursomes posting 1.5 points and singles matches posting 2 points giving an overall win to Durham 3.5 - 1.5.

Facing the undeniable strength of Yorkshire in the afternoon Durham dug deep to secure a point in the singles giving a final result of 4 - 1 to Yorkshire.

Wednesday morning against Cumbria saw Durham get into a strong position at the turn, holding their nerve to post 4 truly valuable points.

In extremely hard fought singles matches Jess Hall proved her worth winning every one of her matches, Faye and Lucy won a singles match each and Emily and Stacie secured halved matches against Cumbria.

We played some established foursomes pairings but introduced new pairings bringing in points against Lancashire and Cumbria.

Congratulations to Stacie Morton who was presented with her County Colours.

Thanks to our stalwart supporters, trolley pullers and everyone who sent messages of good luck, all greatly appreciated.

Sue Wright

County Captain


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