Club of the Year - Woodham Golf and Country Club
Awarded to the club where successful initiatives have resulted in an increased overall activity in their ladies’ section.
At the AGM on Saturday 5th November 2022 when the Awards were announced a mistake was made. Chris Pascall announced that Bishop Auckland were the winners of the Club of the Year Award, in fact Woodham were the winners. The vote for this result was taken at the pre-AGM meeting on Saturday 22nd October by the Officers of the Committee.
A new award has been bought for Woodham, which will be awarded to them at an appropriate time/event. Chris Pascall has sent a letter of apology to both Woodham & Bishop Auckland.
Chris Pascall is very sorry for any upset caused to the ladies of Woodham and Bishop Auckland Golf Clubs; this was never her intention.
Unsung County Hero - Pat Usher – Scratch Score Assessor
Awarded to an individual who generously gives their time knowledge and expertise for the benefit of our County members and clubs
Unsung Club Hero - Helen Fawcett – Billingham Golf Club
Awarded to a club member who generously gives time for the benefit of their club
Many thanks to everyone who took the time to send in their nominations.