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Match Secretary's Message - January 2021

Good morning Ladies,

Well, not so good looking at this current weather! At least we sit here in the knowledge that if we were allowed to play golf most of our courses would be closed.

As we near to the end of January we can only hope that we are closer to that light at the end of the tunnel. I sincerely hope that you are all keeping well and that those eligible for the much awaited vaccine have been jabbed!

I have completed my first year in post but oh dear, it’s been an inauspicious start! However I am looking forward to our 2021 season getting underway.

This will be my first AGM as Match Secretary but my report must be the shortest on record! I hope to see as many of you as possible on our zoom AGM, a first for DCLGA so we anticipate that the event goes smoothly.

Please take care Ladies and stay safe.

Lesley Stokes DCLGA Match Secretary



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