R&A Women in Golf Charter
The R&A launched the Women in Golf Charter in 2018, supported by England Golf to:
• Encourage more women and girls to play the game and join clubs
• Inspire more families to enjoy golf as a group leisure activity
• Open up more opportunities for women to work within the golf industry
Clubs are encouraged to consider potential commitments/initiatives aligned with key England Golf campaigns to ultimately impact positively on their club. Clubs within the county, not already Charter Signatories, are invited to attend a Women in Golf Charter Workshop specifically developed by our England Golf Club Support Officer, Neil Burke being held on Thursday 16th June 2022 between 6.00pm and 7.30pm at Ramside Hall Golf Club. The workshop will provide advice, guidance, best practice and resources which will support clubs to create their Charter commitments and become Women in Golf signatory clubs.
Neil is particularly focussed on supporting clubs within the county to become signatories in 2022, the DCLGA Centenary year.
To register your place on the workshop visit -