The DCLGA committee met virtually yesterday by Zoom and of course one of the main items on the agenda were the Competitions and Team Matches for 2021. Lesley Stokes (Match Secretary) has already got in touch with clubs to ask them to move any matches arranged for March and April until later in the season, so no team matches will take place until May.
We considered the safety of the ladies playing in all types of games organised by DCLGA and came to the following conclusions:-
We thought that from our experience last season that we would be able to run the Competitions in a COVID-19 safe way. The arrangements for signing in, marking and return of cards that we used previously seemed to work well and those that played seemed happy that we were actually running competitions. Therefore I’m pleased to announce that it is our intention to run all of the County Competitions this year.
With regard to the team matches (some of which may be played before clubhouses re-open) there was a long discussion at committee. We agreed that they should go ahead but with new arrangements in place to ensure everyone’s safety. Lesley will be sending further details to clubs advising them of all this new guidance as soon as possible.
Of course we will keep all these arrangements under close review and should the situation change we will inform clubs of any new measures that may need to be taken.
As announced at the AGM, we have been working on a new website with links to on-line booking and payment for DCLGA competitions. I am hopeful that we will be able to launch the new website by the end of the month and that (if you wish) you will be able to book competitions on-line. However, the existing arrangement of booking through your club or individually by downloading the entry form from the website will remain in place, so there’s really no excuse for not taking part!
Anita Maxwell DCLGA Competition Secretary